Give Up When They Don’t Care About You Anymore

Give up when they don't care about you anymore

Give up all those situations where you feel uncomfortable. Give up on people who don’t care about you anymore. Giving up is difficult. It is a very important step in which we are insecure and feel many doubts. However, there are times when we have no other choice if we don’t want to suffer anymore.

It’s hard for us to let go of people who are important to us. They no longer look after us, their goals and objectives in life are no longer comparable to ours. What are they giving us now? If we continue to cling to them, we will continue to suffer and we will not progress in life. The smartest solution is to give up.

Give up, out of respect for yourself

How many times have we mentioned that beautiful metaphor about the train? The train in which we are the passengers. Where some people get on and stay, and others just ride until the next station. Some people only get a simple greeting from us. With others, on the other hand, we will share our entire journey, and we will establish a much deeper relationship with them.

What happens to these people who take on an important meaning for us? We want to keep them on our train so they can’t escape. But we can’t force anyone to stay with us until the end. Many of these people get out, and this will hurt at first. But in time you understand that you have to learn to let go, because no one can be owned by another.

Clinging to a situation that leads nowhere will only cause pain. You give yourself to a relationship that has no exit. We’ve always said to give without expecting anything in return. The problem is that when this happens constantly, you risk hurting yourself. You keep hitting the same wall over and over again.

To report

Sometimes giving up on someone is an act of self-love. You have to give yourself the chance to let the wounds of that failed relationship heal and leave scars. This is the only way you can meet new people and discover that there are people who volunteer to help you during your life.

I don’t know if I still matter, if he still sees me the same way

Sometimes someone’s feelings can change, but they don’t leave us. This happens a lot in relationships where love is reduced to care but the two still stay together despite this fact. Sometimes it’s because they don’t dare to leave. They are ‘used’ to be together. Other times it’s because they think it’s not the other person’s fault that they don’t love him anymore.

To report

The problem with this situation is that both people suffer. One of them feels empty because his partner can no longer meet his needs. The other feels tied up because he is with someone for whom he no longer has feelings. So it’s not uncommon for frustration to swallow up the signs of love. The following signs are an indication that everything is over:

  • They are no longer interested in your needs,  especially when it comes to affection. It is no longer shown. So you feel alone and abandoned.
  • They ignore your ideas and opinions,  causing them to start making decisions without consulting you. Usually they only follow their own wants and needs.
  • You are the one keeping the relationship afloat. You give everything. If you stop giving at some point, knowing that you will get nothing in return, the relationship will end.
  • They have started to humiliate and criticize you. The other begins to distance themselves from you for no apparent reason. Suddenly your source of happiness has become your executioner.

You are no longer a priority for that special someone for some reason and that hurts. The best he can do is be honest with you so that you don’t have to pay attention to these signs that hurt so much. Remember that giving up is a voluntary task. You don’t really want to, but you need to make this decision so that you don’t continue to suffer from the relationship.

To report

Throughout your life you will face these situations where you have to give up partners, friends or even relatives. Learning to say goodbye  is a reality that we can only understand with time and experience.

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