Eliminate These Four Habits That Affect Your Sleep

Eliminate these four habits that affect your sleep

Do you feel exhausted and unmotivated? Stress, responsibilities, deadlines and unexpected events take up a lot of time. They can lead to exhaustion. Especially if you don’t sleep well. It is crucial that you recognize the habits that affect your sleep. This is necessary for more energy, to fulfill your obligations and to enjoy your free time.

In general, a rested mind is more focused. The chance is therefore greater that the mind is in balance. To make this possible you should try to disconnect when you go to sleep.

However, this can be very complicated. The reason for this is that as soon as you close your eyes, thousands of thoughts start running through your mind. They make it harder for you to fall asleep.

A study from Marche Polytechnic University in Italy highlights the dangers of sleep deprivation. The results showed that sleeping less than the recommended minimum on a regular basis can have a lasting effect on the brain.

In addition, they also show that chronic sleep deprivation can cause the brain to live on itself. As a result, the individual who suffers from sleep deprivation is at greater risk of developing neurological disorders.

Habits that affect your sleep

To help prevent these problems, be aware of these four habits that affect your sleep. When you free yourself from these bad habits, you will be able to enjoy restorative sleep again.

1. Living a sedentary life

A sedentary lifestyle is one habit that negatively affects sleep. When there is a lack of physical activity, the body does not use energy. This often disrupts sleep patterns.

Plus, exercise can help balance your sleep cycles. This is because exercise stimulates the release of substances such as serotonin and melatonin.

Living a sedentary life

That’s why experts recommend that you exercise for at least one hour every day. However, if you do intense exercises, you should do them at least 3 to 4 hours before going to sleep. This way your body will have time to relax and adjust.

2. Using Electronic Devices

Today most of us spend a good part of the day using electronic devices. We check messages, surf the web and check social media, among other things.

This is an exaggerated form of being connected that makes it difficult to enjoy the moment. And there is not only this effect. After all, numerous studies also state that the blue light from the screens disrupts the amount of sleep. That’s why they recommend that you don’t use any electronic devices before going to sleep.

Instead of using your cell phone, you can take a book one or two hours before bedtime. Reading before going to sleep can have a positive effect on sleep.

3. Very high stress levels can affect your sleep

Everyone has some degree of built-up stress. It’s the result of work responsibilities, family problems, financial issues, or even something as mundane as a traffic jam. The problem is that stress makes it hard to relax and disconnect.

According to psychologists, normal stress levels are healthy. After all, tension causes your system to release noradrenaline. That is a neurotransmitter that improves your mood and your memory.

However, being too stressed can lead to high cortisol levels. This, in turn, can affect the brain. One of the first things that stress often affects is sleep. If you think your stress levels are interfering with your sleep, try to lower them as much as possible. Relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation can help with this.

High stress levels can affect your sleep

4. Being too busy

The last habit that can affect your sleep is excessive multitasking. Without realizing it, you can become addicted to being busy. You can perhaps imagine. This affects your sleep. If you always struggle to keep your personal and professional life going, sooner or later this will affect your sleep routine.

To address this, you need to carefully consider the things you do every day. Which are necessary and which are superfluous? If you think you need more hours of sleep, focus only on the tasks that absolutely require your attention.

You will not be able to rest or relax properly if you are excessively exhausted. That’s why you need to reduce your workload if you want to enjoy your free time. We recommend delegating some of your responsibilities to other people if possible.

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