Controlling Our Mood Swings With 7 Tips

Control our mood swings with 7 tips

Controlling our mood swings can be a sign of intelligence and even quality of life. We can have regular days when everything seems perfect. Suddenly, a certain situation or thought causes everything to change. What can we do if this happens?

Alfred Adler,  the father of individual psychology, has said that  “we should interpret a bad mood as a sign of inferiority.” If we believe this to be true, then it is clear that it is essential to our well-being that we are able to control these changes. This is especially true when they are negative changes?

What is a mood swing?

A mood swing is a change in our current state of mind. We experience highs and lows that affect us in different ways in a short period of time.

These mood swings can take us directly from a state of contentment to feelings of anxiety or nervousness, and even vice versa. If this becomes a habit, it can cause emotional instability. That can disrupt a person’s social, personal and work life.

These changes are a result of various factors, for example hormonal changes during menopause or menstruation. But it’s something that doesn’t just happen to women. Because there are also other causes, such as adolescence, or personality or eating disorders.

The keys to controlling mood swings

Now that we know what they are, we need to learn how to control mood swings. It is not always easy, especially if they are caused by psychological disorders. But we can learn how to deal with them effectively. Because this can provide significant benefits in our daily lives and in our social well-being.

Establishing some habits

What makes you feel good? What helps you relax? Find out what makes you feel better and create your own habits. For example, this could be music, going for a walk or talking with friends. Determine which activities relax you. Try to always make room in your calendar for these activities.

Take distance

Sometimes we are aware that a certain situation changes our mood. But we fail to escape it. However, it is essential that we know how to keep things at bay. This gives us much greater control over our lives. In some cases, it can give us the necessary fresh air to dispel certain emotions.

In this way and when necessary, we will be able to distance ourselves before the events are provoked. We will then be able to anticipate our emotional response. For example, we know that a discussion won’t end well… do we really need to get involved?

Think first and then speak

An Arabic proverb says that “if what you are going to say is no more beautiful than silence, then don’t say it.” It does not mean that you should never, or almost never, speak. But it does teach us that we should think before we speak. It is also important for our communication that we have content and be positive.

That is why it is smart to think, to analyze, to choose the words you want to say and how you will say them. Once you’ve done this, let them flow through your lips (or even your fingers if you’re writing them down).

Mood swings under control

The importance of good and regular rest

Fatigue is often the cause of our bad mood and mood swings. When we are mentally and physically exhausted, our mood weakens. This then causes emotional instability.

It is not always possible to rest. But if you have the opportunity, a little relaxation in all areas is very beneficial. Because this helps us to renew our ideas. We can then reject our negative emotions and avoid distractions that can alter our mood.

physical exercises

Physical exercise raises the level of dopamine in the blood. Because it secretes a neurotransmitter that has the ability to improve our mood. Exercising for thirty minutes every day is a great tool to regulate our emotions and help us think in a positive way.


Many great writers say that writing relaxes them. It is also a very good idea to write about feelings. Plus, it’s very therapeutic. Because it will help us analyze what causes our mood swings and how we can prevent them from occurring in the future.

Think about why your mood changes

Sometimes it is always the same factor that puts us in a bad mood. It could be the time of year, our personal situation or certain people. Proper analysis will allow us to determine the causes and improve our ability to control our mood swings.

But if you still can’t control your mood swings, you may need to see an expert about your problems. Because our bad mood can hide much more serious problems that need to be addressed.

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