In My Worst Times I Was Alone

In my worst times I was alone

At my worst moments I was alone. I felt like the whole world had turned its back on me or at least the people around me had. It’s really easy to find company in the good times, but nobody likes to be with you in the bad times. To round out my grief  , I received criticism, belittlement, and a coldness that froze my body. I felt sad, very sad.

I stopped believing in man. I hid, like a little snail hiding in its house, waiting for the sun to rise, but it never does. I didn’t want to talk to anyone, I didn’t want to pick up the phone, every conversation just became so empty and heartless.

Despite all this, I made an effort to learn to see things differently. I started to put aside all those people and all those big gatherings that made me feel even more sad and alone. For there is nothing more heartbreaking than being in a place that others see as paradise and which is more barren to you than a desert.

Then I started broadening my horizons. I leaned on the people who made me feel good with their small gestures: a kind word, a hug, a clear, honest look. That was where I started to see things in a different way. Perhaps the snail began to see the rays of the sun from its small shell.


Perhaps the reality of the matter is that we are all alone in life and therefore need to welcome it in a realistic way. No one can come and defend us all the time. Each of us has our own problems and obligations, but every small gesture can help immensely during a bad time we are going through.

Fortunately, you will always find people who have the special power to comfort you. They show up when you least expect it, like that much-needed fresh air to send  you flying high with just a few small words . And it’s so simple that we should never forget these small gestures towards others. Gestures that make us grow as people.


Because the saddest thing that can happen to us is losing our humanity, something that is so easy to forget in a society where the prevailing values ​​are not kindness, selflessness or respect. A society where ‘I’ is more important, ‘Me, me, me,’ or ‘I can’t smile at you, I’m busy with something else’.

The cold and lack of humanity get us nowhere, and perhaps because in the saying β€œ What you would not happen to you, don’t do to anyone else ” there is a great lesson that we so often fail to remember.

This is why we all need to look at each other once in a while and think ” We all need someone “, why don’t I start with myself, don’t offer well-meaning words instead of daggers that cut right through the soul and heart ? Why don’t we each play our small part to build something big?

(Dedicated to all those people who recognize themselves in these words during those difficult times. Dedicated to all those people who have stopped believing in the world they live in. Dedicated to all those people who feel overcome by despair in a world that is tends to dehumanize.)

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