Discover The Five Types Of Singles

Discover the five types of singles

We always find it very interesting to analyze relationships, but what happens when we are single? Being single also defines us. It says something about us, about how we are doing, how we perceive the world and – of course – how we see relationships.

There are people who choose to be in a relationship. Others, on the other hand, choose to be single. These latter people are often thought to be single because no one wants them. However, this is not always the case. There can be several reasons why someone is single.

Maybe that person has had a bad relationship and is much happier being alone. Or maybe he wants to be single because he just wants to be single, because being single also has certain benefits that he feels may outweigh the benefits of being in a relationship.

Let’s not forget that many people still see being single as an unnatural state that was not created on purpose. However, not everyone agrees.

Today, we’ll be discussing five different types of singles that you might identify with. The reasons for their single condition are different. After all, each of these reasons carries an experience that made the person decide to be single.

1. People who are single because of bad experiences

This first type includes anyone who has decided to end a relationship because of bad experiences and instead move on and focus on themselves. The very thought of another partner creates a feeling of rejection and even fatigue.

In general, these people have had very difficult experiences. Perhaps their partner cheated on them, neglected them, or mistreated them.

We cannot deny that such situations leave their mark on those who had to endure them. Sometimes they can even cause philophobia, a strong fear of falling in love with someone.


2. People who are single due to lack of self confidence

Some people have such a lack of self-confidence that it causes them to undervalue themselves in all aspects of their lives, including love. They think they are not worthy of being loved and that the person who decides to stand by their side is just wasting their time.

In many cases, they believe that they are not attractive enough to be liked by another. And so they choose not to take care of themselves and to hide from others. They may also be extremely shy, which makes them even capable of turning down potential candidates.

However, all they achieve with this attitude is to deprive themselves of what they really want. This form of being single can therefore be considered the worst form. After all, it is not a voluntary choice, but a consequence of the negative way in which one perceives oneself.

3. People who are single because they want independence

Single people who value their independence like to be free and unattached, and a relationship is not their picture. They like to have space, so sharing this space is not something they like to do. Whether it’s their house, car, or space in the sense of time for themselves, not having to justify themselves, no relationship obligations etc.


However, this type of bachelor can be divided into two different related subcategories that result from this need for independence:

  • Self-Sufficient Singles: These people believe that they are self-sufficient and do not need anyone else to add anything else to their lives. So they are completely indifferent to the idea of ​​having a partner. These people generally spend a lot of time alone, but because they want to. Their habits are so self-centered that they contradict the whole idea of ​​being in a relationship.
  • Isolated singles: It may also be that these people have their habits that make them single, but in this case they do not like the loneliness that comes with this. This type of bachelor wants to break with his dynamic, although he finds this extremely difficult. He has lived in isolation for so long that there is a lack of certain social skills necessary to relate to others.

4. People who are single because they stick to certain ideologies

Some people have certain ideologies that require them to remain single until the conditions for a relationship are right. This has a lot to do with their view of the world and relationships in general. All this affects their relationships.

Religion, for example, is a very strong ideology. Sometimes it can encourage people to stay single until they find the right partner. This is often quite a difficult mission, as ideally their partner should have the same view of relationships as they do.


In the case of differences, pressure will be felt from the ideology and from what they really desire. Anxiety, anxiety, and stress will no doubt arise in situations where people remain single for these reasons.

5. Pessimistic Singles

The fifth and final type of bachelor is the pessimistic bachelor. These singles see the world of relationships as a gray and dark place. This doesn’t mean they don’t like being in a relationship. They often just don’t believe that a relationship has anything to offer them.

They often believe that people tell themselves that being in a relationship makes them happy and benefits them. Viewed from a distance, however, they find relationships ‘nonsense’.

Pessimistic singles can also be those who believe they will never find someone who really complements them. While these people are often killer, they also live with a terrible weight on their shoulders and a sense that there is no hope for them when it comes to relationships.


In general, we want to emphasize that our experiences, beliefs and world view influence our relationships immensely. Of course, being single isn’t a bad thing, as long as it isn’t the result of a lack of self-confidence.

Being single is definitely a valid choice. Plus, there are plenty of people who would love to learn to be single to avoid becoming dependent on others. In this way you learn to spend time with yourself, get to know yourself and depend on yourself.

Do you know any other types of singles? Share it with us!

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