Don’t Be Afraid Of Your Fear, Move It

Don't be afraid of your fear, move it

Feeling fear is normal. This is because the brains of all living things immediately react defensively to a possible risk. In other words, in dangerous situations, a protection system is activated against possible attacks or situations that could cause an imbalance.

In humans  , the way of coping with fear is the result of the collaboration between instinct and learned behavior  that arose during various situations. That way you can say that when you feel a threat, the survival instinct is activated first, but also a learned mental process leads you to react in a certain way.

Woman and Bear

Responses to fear vary from person to person. Some people react aggressively, while others stand still and become empty inside as they try to think about a possible solution to the danger they are facing. There are also individuals who are very cool-headed and able to think quickly to face or avoid the threat.

Humans have a complicated psyche. Fear is not always a response to a real threat. Sometimes it is a reaction to thoughts or fantasies that come up from traumatic experiences and remain rotten in the mind for a long time. This paves the way for the dangers that do not exist, but which can be very drastic.

Fear is a power that can change shape

There is a universal truth:  you overcome fear by confronting it. It’s easy to say, but hard to implement. Fear is a powerful emotion and if you can turn it into an inner force that will help you move forward, you will become a more confident and free person.

If you are confronting a situation that creates tension and you intend to overcome it, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Why did I feel this way?
  • What memories or feelings surfaced then?
  • How did I react then?
  • In which part of the body do I feel the most tension?

The answers will allow you to define the fear and avoid another situation. So  the first point is that you realize why the tension arises. In this way we can find out the cause and the role it plays in the situations we experience. If you become aware of the causes, you can ensure that you can determine whether it corresponds to real danger or an imaginary imbalance in our lives.

What do we do when we are confronted with fear?


To recognize the nature of the fear you are feeling, you need to:

  • Pause and surround yourself with a quiet environment where you can reflect on your fear. Try to take a deep breath and calm down so that your consciousness flows better.
  • Don’t feel guilty for feeling scared and remember that this is normal. You can beat it little by little.
  • Trust yourself. Remember that this fear is also a learning experience about yourself, which you can also pass on.

Don’t see fear as the enemy. In reality, many big mistakes are made out of fear, but it can also have benefits. The one who is afraid of failure sometimes puts in a little more effort. The one who is afraid of losing his freedom dares to take great risks to keep it.

This is not an easy process. It is achieved like other great achievements in life: with perseverance, patience and step by step. The only determining factor in relation to fear is that there is a genuine decision to move forward. There is no other way to achieve that than by developing a strategy that you feel comfortable enough to face.

Learning from fear

If you fight fear irrationally and without understanding the basics, you can probably deal with it quickly and well. But if you don’t tackle it from the root, it can resurface at any time. You have to think about fear. It is not good to have reckless outbursts over and over  without being aware of what you are doing.

Tangled up

As the popular saying goes, “ Fear is an action and courage is a response ”. Think about this when you feel petrified, immobile, or unwilling to move forward with your plans. Otherwise, you might regret all the attention you paid to fear and not to your true dreams and desires.

Remember that fear is expressed physically and mentally. Physically you can fight it with good breathing techniques in times of crisis. It’s a method that can help you better perceive your body and identify the changes that are active in it so you can monitor them.

But this is not enough. You should talk about it and express your feelings to others. Write them down or just look in the mirror and talk to yourself about what’s happening. These are ideal resources to find the balance you need. Fear is not overcome by hiding from it; so don’t be afraid, move it.

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