What Are The Effects Of Mindfulness In Depression?

What are the effects of mindfulness in depression?

There are many positive effects of mindfulness in depression. The World Health Organization (WHO) has supported this fact. They determined that depression is a common mental disorder that affects at least 300 million people worldwide. They also claim that it is the leading cause of disability worldwide.

The WHO has also stated that depression can lead to suicide in the most severe cases. More than 800,000 people commit suicide every year. It is the second leading cause of death in the 15 to 29 year old age group.

There are many ways to treat depression. However, not all treatments are effective for every patient. The best way to cure depression is to find the treatment that is best suited to the patient’s needs.

Harvard research on the effects of mindfulness on depression

A Harvard University study examined how the brains of depressed patients change as a result of mindfulness. Benjamin Shapero is a psychiatry teacher at Harvard Medical School.

He is convinced that many people do not react well to the first intervention that is proposed. This means that it can be incredibly enriching for patients to look for alternatives that complement the treatment.

Cognitive behavioral therapy and antidepressants are helpful. According to Shapero, they work even better and faster when patients also use other tools such as mindfulness. However, each patient will respond better to a treatment if it is appropriately adapted to their needs.

Practicing mindfulness during depression helps to change brain activity

Gaëlle Desbordes is a neuroscientist at Massachusetts General Hospital’s Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging. She works with Dr. Shapero on this project. Desbordes’s interest in this research was entirely personal. She had started meditating during her period as a university student.

Harvard University stated that the researchers used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to observe brain activity. In 2012, they showed that the observed changes during a mindfulness session persisted even though the patients were not meditating.

However, a study is currently underway in patients who have been diagnosed with depression. In this study, scientists analyze the effects of meditation on the brain and how effective it really is. The researchers scanned images before and after an eight-week mindfulness course based on the cognitive therapy.

Mindfulness prevents worrying

Mindfulness prevents worrying

Desbordes wants to prove the hypothesis that mindfulness guarantees a faster recovery and fewer negative thoughts. The training consists of focusing attention on the here and now and thus avoiding the circle of worry.

In addition, other researchers have also studied the effects of meditation and the different variations of these practices.

As you can see, one of the effects of mindfulness in depression is that it helps patients cope with extreme situations. It also helps to improve their quality of life.

Mindfulness can help even patients with mild depression recover without taking antidepressants. However, you should consult your doctor so that he can determine the right treatment best suited to your needs. 

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