Two Rules Of Life For Personal Power

According to Eastern philosophies, there are two rules of personal power. If you live it, your life and that of the people around you will be full of positive experiences.
Two rules of life for personal strength

Eastern philosophers have a special way of looking at life. They say that your thoughts create your world, but the rules of personal power determine what does or does not happen.

The rules of personal power are patterns that can determine or condition what happens to you. They arise from constant mental exercises and lead to certain situations while keeping others away, creating a universal balance.

Eastern cultures believe in this universal balance and that you just have to become a part of it. So this personal power comes from your thoughts. There are two rules of life of personal power and they include the kind of thoughts you should have to make everything work for you.

A woman with a background of lights

Personal power

Some Eastern philosophies hold that thoughts have boundless power. If you think of something, it becomes true. According to this, if you let fear rule your life, you will end up in dangerous situations. However, if you want to face your fears, your ways will become clearer along the way.

It’s not about magic or esotericism. It’s just about making sure your mind pays attention to what it cares about. Therefore, fear makes you see more threats. If an aggressive dog senses your fear, it will likely bark at you or even attack you. Fear tells others that there is something to be afraid of.

On the other hand, a calm mind that works on finding solutions will turn even negative experiences into something beautiful and constructive. For example, a fire can prompt you to save a life. It depends on what you focus on.

Personal power

Becoming a positive factor

Eastern philosophers argue that the first rule of personal power persists in becoming the positive beacon of any situation. It takes one person to become a positive light.

Master Jan Anguita states that two people with incompatible thoughts will never find each other and will not experience things together. It is a similar concept to Jung’s synchronicity.

In short, if you decide to become a positive factor in any circumstance, you will find people who think the same. As one of the rules of personal power, all this will happen because your mind is set on it and will work until you get it.

A man kisses a woman on the cheek

Believe that love can conquer all

The second rule states that no matter what happens, love can conquer all. Eastern philosophers believe that a lack of love is a negative force. It doesn’t have enough power to project itself onto the world. However, love has a lot of influence on everything that exists. Master Jan Anguita summarizes this as a beautiful metaphor:

So love can be that match. One person full of love can shine a light on those around him.

The rules of personal power are so influential that, according to Eastern philosophers, if only one person decides to become a beacon of light and love, destruction and chaos can be avoided under any circumstance. It doesn’t matter if anyone resists it.

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