Exaggerated Jealousy: See It As A Challenge, Not A Threat

Exaggerated jealousy: see it as a challenge, not a threat

How can you eliminate the discomfort that comes up every time your partner talks to another person? Especially if it’s someone we consider a possible enemy? What should you do when you feel overwhelmed by excessive jealousy? Is it possible to find a constructive approach to your jealousy and your insecurities?

Jealousy is a travel buddy for many of us. It usually occurs because of our strong imagination. The key is to see jealousy as a slope where the middle area is the most correct and healthiest place for you. The extremes are dangerous areas that will lead to your destruction. If you stay in the middle of the slope, the jealousy you experience will instead be healthier and easier to bear.

There is also an important factor that can prevent you from suffering when you are jealous. One factor you should learn to cultivate in your love relationships – communication. When you understand what’s happening or what you don’t like about the other person’s behavior and you know how to express it, problems turn into words. You can find solutions from words, if you wish.

Furthermore, trust in the other is also an important point. Because trusting your partner will give you security. The certainty of knowing that despite your jealous feelings, the peace will remain. You can rest easy knowing that the peaceful calm you have created is a mutual path based on happiness and respect.

What does excessive jealousy say about you?

Jealousy tends to say more about the person feeling it than about the relationship. Feelings of jealousy are associated with mistrust, insecurity, or lack of self-esteem. So these are important things to work on, especially for people prone to excessive jealousy. If not, inner conflict can become a problem for the relationship later on.

Boy who suffers from excessive jealousy

Choosing to share your life with someone is a choice made on the basis of freedom. You should also be aware that a relationship is made up of two separate souls making a decision to walk through life together. These two aspects seem to be aligned with the knowledge that your partner is not yours. In this way it is easier to see jealousy as one of the disguises of fear. The fear of being alone, of losing your significant other, or of thinking that your partner can find something better.

Only enough self-confidence, trust in your relationship and a high level of self-esteem will help you see the truth. The truth is that your partner has made the free choice to be by your side. If this stops at some point, you are free to make other choices. No one belongs to anyone else, never forget that.

Discovering the constructive part of excessive jealousy

Now that you know the thought process behind jealousy, it’s time to see the positive things you can get out of your jealousy. As we mentioned above, the key lies in knowing how to impose functional and understandable constraints on it. You should practice these restrictions every time you feel jealous and not get carried away by your impulses. Because behind your jealousy are opportunities to build both yourself and your relationship.

So, if you’re jealous, you might simply notice that your partner matters. Instead of letting yourself be influenced by that hurricane of thoughts that starts to rage through your head. We don’t mean that you should ignore what you are feeling, but that you become aware of it. It’s about learning how to manage your jealousy better from a more positive perspective. In this way you turn your fears into feelings of gratitude. Gratitude for the fact that the person by your side can always find in you everything they need to be happy.

Excessive jealousy means you have to learn to let go

You can even use excessive jealousy to your advantage

If you’re adjusting to your relationship, jealousy can be seen as a warning that you need to cultivate the love you share every day. Especially if you want your relationship to be strong and long lasting. It’s important to keep surprising each other to keep the magic alive.

However, jealousy can also give you clues about what is missing in your relationship. If your partner finds something you want to share with you, now is the time to find out what it is and what you can contribute to it.

Jealousy can even provide extra intimacy to the relationship. Having the confidence and audacity to show your fears and open your soul will evoke intimacy and lead to a solution based on communication. So you have to take advantage of your weaknesses and strengthen them. Turn them into resources. And find in these resources the positive aspects of your situation. Do this to continue building a healthier love, one that is more aware of the relationship itself. 

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