Friendships Can Go Wrong Too

Friendships can go wrong too

No, it’s not always easy. Letting go of someone takes courage. Letting go means losing a part of yourself, a part that may never come back… Worse than that, some people touch us so deeply that we are never the same when they leave us…

Not all friendships are eternal, even friendships sometimes end negatively. Even love cannot escape its expiration date. And it’s not that we screwed up. It’s just because nothing lasts forever.

Relationships are not eternal and we need to know how to let them go. Since we often have difficulty ending phases in life and saying goodbye, this fact usually causes us a lot of suffering. Even the passage of time doesn’t make us immune to saying goodbye, especially when we know we can never go back.

After a while there are only a few close friends whose trust has been preserved and less than half of our friends will remain by our side for more than seven years. In reality, it is normal for this to happen. Some relationships cool down because two people don’t share their feelings, because there is a conflict that has created an inevitable separation, or simply because both people’s lives are simply going in different directions.

When this happens, it’s hard to let go of people, but even harder to let them go with the part of you that was always with them. This is the hardest to deal with, even when the relationship seems to bring more pain and torment than happiness and a desire to live.

It is especially important to let go at the right time, when you know that there is no chance that the situation will improve and that you have nothing good to offer each other. This will be your moment.

Don’t blame your memories. This will ensure that everything that could have brought you together and that could help you support each other on your life path will be destroyed. Letting go is the best display of self-love you can give yourself.

Sometimes there are friendships that really shouldn’t be called friendships at all. It is said that our friends are the family we choose, but often it seems that we just accept what is offered to us. We have neither the time nor the necessary information to find our ideal mate. That is why it is logical that we sometimes go wrong.

And sometimes we trust someone through and through and give them everything they need and end up being cheated on. Mistakes like this can cause distance and this is completely normal; no one wants a toxic person in their life that they can’t trust.

However, relationships are phases and as phases they are always changing. If you accept the rules of the game, you can move forward; if you don’t accept them, you’ll end up hitting a wall. Even when you love someone, it is possible that this love will disappear or at least not be the same as before. Just like you, others will also change and evolve. We don’t stay the same person year after year.

This is nobody’s fault. Friendships sometimes just go wrong and that’s the way it is. You have to learn how to accept this.

Memories are good as long as they stay in the past and we don’t live on them,  as long as these memories don’t force us to maintain habits that no longer suit us and that cause us to constantly live in a form of unwanted reciprocity.

Relationships change whether you like it or not. You may very well not have the same values, aspirations, or plans as you did a year ago. It’s normal for it to hurt and it’s hard to throw away something that’s part of you. But just like you, your relationships with others will also change. For better or for worse, it’s just important that you accept this.

–Image courtesy of Larissa Kulik–

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