Tirso De Molina – Five Quotes About Love

Tirso de Molina is a classical poet who wrote rather timeless quotes. Today we want to share with you some of his most popular quotes about love.
Tirso de Molina - five quotes about love

Tirso de Molina was the pseudonym of Gabriel Téllez; he was one of the most representative screenwriters of baroque theatre. As a monk, he led a peaceful life in a monastery from an early age. Today we want to show you some of his love quotes. They are a great reflection of love and relationships.

Tirso’s writings tended towards comedy and sacrilege, according to the biography published by Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes (Spanish link). For example, El Burlador de Sevilla (in Dutch: the trickster of Seville) is remarkable.

However, there are some dramatic accents in other works, such as La Celosa de Sí Misma (translated: Jealous of Himself) or El Condenado por Desconfiado (Condemned by Self- Suspicion). Let’s look at some quotes from Tirso de Molina on a subject as transcendental as love.

Tirso de Molina about love

1. Cheaters always repeat

This first quote from Tirso de Molina about love is quite revealing. What he means is that sooner or later a dishonest person will cheat us, despite the many promises that spoke of their good behavior in the beginning.

When it comes to relationships, “giving” is just talk and not action. They promise to change and say they won’t do it again, but there’s no truth behind it. In this regard, real actions betray the true intentions of a “impostor.”

Tirso de Molina and his quotes about jealousy

2. Jealous Captivity

There are several myths surrounding jealousy. Some people consider it a token of love and a token of one’s affection. However, according to this author, jealousy turns against itself. Thus, jealous people are captives and this prevents them from expressing love in a healthy way.

As this article points out, the fear of losing a person and the possibility of infidelity lead to the kind of jealousy that often destroys a relationship. For that reason, you should analyze the source of your jealousy and put yourself in the hands of a professional who can help you.

3. People aren’t perfect

This quote about love refers to the fundamental concept of perfection. While it is true that everyone makes mistakes and, as in the previous quotes, anyone can be jealous or insincere at any time, it is also true that anyone can make amends.

People learn from their mistakes. So the knowledge derived from it makes it worthwhile for the most part. In order for these errors to take effect, you must first recognize that they are errors.

4. Tirso de Molina about not knowing when to leave

This quote is quite clear and makes you think about a reality that is often painful. No matter how much permanence and affection there may be in a relationship, sometimes the love disappears. Unfortunately, people stay in such relationships either for comfort or because they wait for their partner to decide to end the relationship.

According to Tirso de Molina, this is very rude. According to him, you should leave a relationship or a conversation as soon as you know it’s over. It is not only rude to wait for the other person to take the last step, but also cowardly.

In love you have to know when to leave

5. Jealousy is nonsensical

Finally, a quote about jealousy. Yes, we have already mentioned this concept and know how it hurts many relationships. But in this quote, Tirso emphasizes that such an emotion has no eyes and ears.

What does he mean by this? Well, the vast majority of jealousy is rooted in the kind of fear and insecurity that come from within. So while there is usually no trace of infidelity or any other sign of distrust, unwarranted jealousy is very strong. Although Tirso did not know it at the time, psychologists now call it pathological jealousy.

Did you know these quotes from Tirso de Molina? Did you know that he was also very religious and devoted to spiritual pursuits? We would like to encourage you to read some of the works mentioned above if you are new to him. He wrote much more than quotes and his books are great pieces of literature.

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