Why Can’t I Be Happy For Others?

It’s normal to feel jealous, indifferent, or even hate it when others are doing well.
Why can't I be happy for others?

Sometimes you may find it difficult to be happy for someone else’s happiness and this may mean that there is an underlying problem. Often, depression is the usual culprit. In this article, therefore, you will find some clues regarding this problem and how to face it and be happy for others.

Without envy or hostility you can make the happiness of others your own. We’re going to tell you all about it.

Unhappy woman cannot be happy for others

Why can’t I be happy for others?

You may have noticed that when someone comes with good news, you may feel a little uncomfortable. Or maybe you’ve seen this happen to someone else.

For example, in an instant you can see anger, envy, injustice and other negative emotions. Basically, you are expected to share the joy, but there seems to be an invisible force that keeps you from being truly happy for others for a few seconds.

It is quite possible that this was not always the case. However, you need to stop for a moment and think about what is holding you back from being happy. As the old saying goes:

Wife jealous of other woman

Being happy for others and the influence of depression and low self-esteem

This tendency to feel annoyed with the well-being of others is somehow dysfunctional social behavior. Depression can also affect your relationships with others. Low self-esteem is also associated with this.

In a way, this can be a strange situation. Low self-esteem makes it more likely to notice what others have that you don’t. This thinking can obviously have a negative effect on any circumstance that makes you think about what you supposedly don’t have and how bad you feel about yourself.

On the other hand, outright hostility is related to feeling envy. This feeling is the link between a compromised affective state and the tendency to react negatively to what others have.

Likewise, just feeling envy is not a sign of a disease. Professor Richard Smith even emphasizes that envy is part of your survival instinct. You use a comparison with others to measure your own success.

However, if you see others who are happy and you feel bad about this or if it has a negative effect on your life, then this could be a problem. It is a problem that must be solved. You can use the following strategies for this.

Free on the bike

What can I do to change this?

Prevent negativity from taking shape and making you a bitter person, unable to feel empathy. Remember, the more you live your life, the better you live. Some of the best strategies you can use are:

If you want to be happy for others, be grateful for what you have yourself

Try to focus on those things that make you feel good. Change your perspective and stop being attached to anything that makes you feel bad.

What you are worth does not depend on others

You should value yourself for what you are rather than for what you own. Your potential and what’s deep inside makes you valuable. Also, you do n’t need anyone to tell you how much you are worth.

Try to find inspiration in the success of others

The triumphs of others can be a demonstration of your chances of success. You can use them as a guide to achieve your goals. Instead of feeling envy, try to use their success to motivate you to do better yourself.

Realize that there is enough space for everyone’s happiness

This includes your own happiness. Don’t be limited by the success of others. The world is a very big place, where there is room for millions of winners.

Have faith in the future

Trust that you will find a happier place for yourself. You are not entirely at the mercy of chance. Work on yourself, this will bring you happiness. And finally, find comfort in yourself and motivate yourself with positive thoughts.

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