Three Things To Remember When You Hit Rock Bottom

Three things to remember when you hit rock bottom

Bottoming out, or reaching the bottom of the pit is not the worst thing that can happen to you. It simply means that you can’t fall any deeper, leaving you with two options: you can either lie on the bottom and drown in your own pain โ€“ that’s the worst thing that could happen to you, by the way โ€“ or you can use the bottom as a starting block to push yourself back up. However, it is not always easy to find the strength to make that first move. It is often quite difficult, because the bottom you are standing on is very small and slippery.

We’ve probably all felt like we’ve hit rock bottom.  If this applies to you, then you know exactly what I’m talking about. Life presents us with emotional, mental and physical challenges that knock us down and leave us feeling hopeless, distraught and dark. Once you reach this point, there is only one way out, because you cannot go any deeper.

However, you are already aware of this. You fell and got up again. Like a phoenix, you have risen from your own ashes. Reaching the bottom of the pit has taught you an important life lesson. Since you’re human, though, you know you can slide right back down.

You may become paralyzed by the fear of having to face a similar situation again, preventing you from living your life to the fullest, making you delay your goals, or locking yourself in the bubble that you have blown yourself. However, this will only cause you damage, which will land you on that hard bottom again. Fear is never a good guide.

Learn from your past experiences

If you’re reading this, it’s probably because you feel like you’ve hit rock bottom yourself. And you already know that that seemingly bottomless pit does indeed have a rocky bottom.

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Don’t deny those things you’ve been through and know that you shouldn’t be ashamed of the negative things that happened to you either. By remembering the pain from your past, you will be better able to put the following suggestions into practice. When you reach that damn bottom again, remember the following:

1. Feel your pain without getting attached to it, don’t try to suppress it

Let your emotions flow, give yourself the opportunity to feel your frustration, your disappointment, or even your anger. Learning to identify your feelings is the only way to overcome the pain. If you try to distract yourself by focusing your thoughts on other things, it will only cause your emotions to grow and stir to occupy a place in your mind.

Feel your pain without getting attached to it. Just let it flow. Don’t look for solutions, don’t look for someone or something to put the blame on, don’t think about the steps to take. Just feel it. Contrary to what it may seem, your emotions won’t devour you, they will simply ebb and set you free.

2. Give yourself time to reflect

Reflection changes everything. You need to make sense of the things you’ve been through and learn to understand the impact these things have had on you. Once you’ve got your emotions flowing, it’s time to calm your mind and ease your heart. It’s time to learn a new lesson.

Reflection does not mean looking for someone to blame, but rather, becoming aware of your own responsibility, forgiving yourself and making positive decisions that will make you stronger. This can take a lot or little time. Take as much time as you need. Only deep reflection that results in a lesson learned will help you get out of that pit.

If your confidence has remained intact despite the fall, it will be much easier to get back on your feet. Use your trap to give yourself a little love. Treat yourself with at least as much affection as you give to others. Respect yourself, forgive yourself, give yourself a chance, and don’t try to force changes on yourself that are contradictory to the person you are.

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3. Let your mind flow

Many people who feel like they’ve hit rock bottom don’t give themselves a chance to break free from their problems. They feel like they have to keep ruminating on all the bad things in their lives. However, encountering an obstacle does not mean that you cannot make a detour and thus encounter something much more beautiful on another road.

To get yourself out of that hole, instead of going in circles all the time, find an activity that allows your mind to flow. Creative pursuits, music, exercise, or meditation can help you get out of that toxic place you find yourself in, experience a new environment, and focus on your life with renewed energy.

Creativity: the voice of your heart

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