Everything You Need To Know About Geophagy

Everything you need to know about geophagia

Geophagy is the practice of eating baked clay. When people ingest this clay, they usually do so in small pieces or in powder form. There is evidence that people in some countries have been ingesting clay since the 10th century. However, that only happened later in Spain. It became a fashion trend among the ladies-in-waiting in the seventeenth century.

The historian Natacha Seseña specializes in the ethnography of pottery. She points out that this custom came to Spain with the Moors. People boiled the intense red mud and formed small boats or vases with it.

The ladies then filled these vases with perfumed water. After ingesting the clay and scented water, they also swallowed the glass. These “delicatessen” were also imported from other countries such as Portugal or Mexico.

The medicinal practice of eating clay has been around since ancient times. Still, some people find the ingestion of vases or pots in clay, in small pieces or in powder form very curious.

Documented reports on geophagy

In the literature we find many references to eating vases and its properties:

  • “Pale girl. She is either in love or eating mud.” – Goongora.
  • “What do you have in that bag? Some pieces of vase my lady eats. You can eat them too, they contain amber.” – from Lope de Vega ‘s play  La Dorotea  .
  • “To Amarili, who had a few pieces of vase in his mouth and was about to eat them.” – Quevedo.
Geophagy documentation

When we look at paintings, the most striking reference is the painting  Las Meninas  by Velazquez. It shows how the child Margarita is presented with a vase. The vase rests on a thin plate and may be intended for eating.

This is exactly why people did it back then. Scientists who know a lot about this subject interpret the pale face of the child as a symptom of someone who is used to ingesting clay.

Does eating clay serve a purpose?

In Spain’s Golden Age, ideals of beauty required women to be pale skinned. The goal was to look almost sick. Ingesting boiled clay causes chlorosis. In this condition, the number of red blood cells in the blood decreases. As a result, this makes our skin color paler.

Women actually also used mud as a contraceptive. It caused a decrease in the amount of menstrual blood or even put an end to it completely.

However, the hallucinogenic and narcotic effects of the various components caused some women to develop dependence. This makes it very difficult to stop eating clay.

Does geophagy exist in the twenty-first century?

So at that point in history, geophagy was the most popular. Yet some people still do it today. Now the clay is administered internally by taking it orally. When people use it externally, they do it in the form of a poultice.

Geophagy in the twenty-first century

Nowadays you can find powdered clay that has been freed of all impurities and sand. Why is this purification carried out? If the clay has not been treated before consumption, it can contain elements such as lead or arsenic. These ingredients are very harmful to our health.

The Clay Eating Debate

There are many different opinions on the subject of geophagy or clay eating. Some support the idea. Others discourage clay ingestion:

  • Psychologists classify geophagia as a form of “addictive eating disorder.”  This addiction involves an irresistible urge to eat non-nutritive substances.
  • Doctors also warn of the dangers of eating clay. They call it a “transient trend” that is not supported by any scientific evidence. It is true that people in some tropical and African countries often eat clay due to a lack of minerals in their diet. However, according to doctors, eating clay can cause irreversible damage to our bodies.
  • Several actresses, bloggers and celebrities have admitted their “addiction” to ingesting clay. These people are talking about its benefits and its incredible therapeutic properties. For example, they confirm that it helps to detoxify the body. In addition, they claim that it helps them lose weight and fight anemia.

So in conclusion, we can say that there are two valid sides to this discussion. Is geophagia or eating clay harmful or beneficial? Is it healthy or does it lead to an addiction? Or is it just a fad that people participate in for the “likes” and the fame?

Are you interested in this new trend? Then it is best to consult your doctor before you start taking clay. So don’t do it without guidance. You have to avoid health problems. 

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