There Are Thousands Of Ways To Say ‘I Love You’

There are thousands of ways to say "I love you"

I love you. These four words are so simple, yet so hard to pronounce. You can express them in many different ways. Through a hug, worrying about each other, cooking someone’s favorite dish, going to the cinema because your partner wants to see a movie you don’t like, and much more. So an “I love you” is a hug, a moment of silence, questions that show that we are listening to the other, help when our loved one feels overwhelmed.

A feeling can be expressed through actions and words. However, we think that we can only ‘speak’ about a feeling with the help of language. This is not true, because if we pay attention to the other person’s attitude, we can see how he really feels. There are thousands of ways to say “I love you” without having to use these four words.

What ‘I love you’ implies

If you’re in a new relationship and you’ve been in relationships before, it may take a little longer for you to express your true feelings. We start with a shy “I like you” and only say “I love you” when we are sure of our feelings.

'I love you'

We have been exposed to the sensation of vulnerability, sensitivity and even corny. So  it seems that by revealing our feelings we put the other person in a position where he is forced to say that these feelings are mutual.  That’s how the silence begins and continues, and days, weeks, or even months can pass. 

While everyone has their own rhythm and space to say “I love you,” these words mean much more than just affection. They symbolize a commitment, a bet, a step that we may not yet dare to take, but which we often want to take.

How do you say ‘I love you’ without using the words

We are not made of stone, nor are we heartless, callous robots. But not expressing our feelings is an entirely different subject. You may think that your partner, your parents, your friends or grandparents can only tell them that you love them by saying these four magic words.

But there are thousands of other ways to show that affection and love. These ways are based on the attitude we have towards others,  on how we worry about them and want them to be okay. The actions you show in your daily life can sometimes show how you feel in a better way than if you tell them you love them all the time.

'I love you'

‘How was your day?’ ‘Drive carefully.’ “Don’t forget to bring your coat.” “I made lasagna because you like it so much.” “You pick the movie.” ‘Did you sleep well?’ “Stay in bed, I’ll make you breakfast.” “That skirt looks great on you.” “I bought those cookies you like so much.” “You did a great job!” “What a delicious meal you cooked.” and the list goes on.

See how easy it is to show others that we care? Actions are just as valuable as words. You probably know the saying that a picture is worth a thousand words. In this case, we could say,  a good attitude is even better if it goes together with those four words and the actions that express what these words mean.

‘I like you’ vs ‘I love you’

Many people say that “I like you” is the step that comes before “I love you.” Others say the former implies a sense of possession and the latter a sense of surrendering oneself. The truth is that we are expressing what is happening inside us anyway.

'I love you'

Don’t be ashamed to say each one of these wonderful, unique, beautiful expressions. You will feel happy, and you will make the other person happy too. Also remember that words are “weak against the wind.” If you want them to be part of the foundation of a relationship, you need to support them with actions.

‘I miss you.’ ‘Take care of yourself.’ ‘Sleep well.’ ‘I thought about you.’ “There’s food waiting for you in the oven.” “Let me know when you get home.” “Bring an umbrella.” ‘Would you like a cup of coffee?’

In what ways do you say I love you today?

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