You Are Responsible For Your Own Happiness

Ultimately, your happiness depends on you. If you give the responsibility to others, you will eventually stray from the person you really want to be. Plus, your self-esteem will plummet and you’ll become your own toughest critic.
You are responsible for your own happiness

You are the only person responsible for your own happiness. When you realize this, you no longer ask others to create a world for you based on your own needs. You don’t seek their confirmation every time, nor do you want them to rescue you from your grief.

In fact, you have learned that it is better to save yourself. This makes you stronger and braver and you don’t blame others for your own pain. You put aside resentment. You are brave enough to heal your own grief and you continue to learn from your mistakes.

However , it is not easy to achieve this level of acceptance and commitment to yourself. In general, we all like to understand that no one is obligated to make us happy.

Perhaps it comes from childhood, as parents tend to perpetuate this myth. Yet nothing could be further from the truth. When you grow up, the task of being happy and fulfilled falls solely on your own shoulders.

Unless you have learned that you are responsible for your own happiness, you will continue to seek happiness in the arms of others and not your own. You will seek rewards in others. You will want them to solve your problems, keep things from hurting and bring you endless joy. In fact, you delegate the most important task in your life to others: the task of being happy.

Tal Ben-Shahar is a Harvard professor and an expert on happiness and leadership. He argues that satisfaction is a continuous process of self-knowledge. It is a responsible act where you learn to create the reality you want. Indeed, your daily life is full of options and only you should choose your own path.

“When you are true to who you are, great things happen.”

 -Deborah Norville-

an outstretched hand

You are responsible for your own happiness

Carl Gustav Jung introduced an interesting concept in his theory, that of the daemon. This entity was recognized by the Romans as a genius and by the Egyptians as Ba, the most spiritual part of man. According to Jung, the daemon waits in your unconscious and then emerges to shape your true self.

It is the daemon that stimulates your creative drive. It gives you courage, intuition and vitality. The problem, however, is that most people silence this inner genius. In fact, you ignore it because it sometimes gives you confusing messages or suggests radical changes. For example, he may suggest to a lawyer that they start an artistic career.

If you go to a job every day that just pays the bills, your daemon is eager to tell you to escape this routine. It wants to take you out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself.

This is because the daemon wants you to be free, independent, and responsible for your own life. It doesn’t want you to be subservient to others or disciplined. However, you have to be extremely bold to achieve this kind of happiness.

A smiling woman

Your happiness, your responsibility

There are some studies on the origin of happiness, such as a study conducted by Dr. Sonya Lyubomirsky of the University of Missouri. In this study, she explained that happiness depends on three factors. First, there’s your genetic footprint. Then there are your environmental conditions. Finally, the things you do.

Nevertheless, it seems that there are other elements in achieving happiness. There are people who, even in the most difficult circumstances, can still be happy. If you ask them how they do it, they will usually tell you that they have learned that they are the only ones responsible for their own happiness. They are aware that everything depends on one thing, their attitude.

Take care of your mind daily

Can you be happy despite your circumstances? Is it possible to stay cheerful despite heartbreak, unemployment or illness? John Milton, the celebrated 17th-century English poet and essayist, once said that heaven and hell can dwell in the mind at the same time. In fact, it seems that nothing could be more true than this old quote from the author of Paradise Lost.

Taking control of your mind is not easy. It’s something you have to work on every day. Most importantly, remember that your happiness is not the responsibility of others. Blaming others for your lack of happiness makes you unable to move forward.

A man with outstretched arms

For this reason, you should take an active role in building your own happiness. Take control. Create your own reality based on positive thoughts and emotions.

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