8 Beautiful Expressions About Love By Bécquer

8 beautiful expressions about love by Bécquer

Bécquer will always be in fashion as long as feelings are concerned, after all love and other emotions are universal. They transcend time and boundaries.

Sometimes just reading one verse from the many poems about feelings can make us feel enlightened, happy, or understood.

After all, love and other emotions are a language that we all understand equally well. Because who hasn’t suffered from love? Haven’t we all had a broken heart? Haven’t we all felt alone, miserable and defeated at some point?

The dark swallows will return
to your balcony to make their nest
and again they will playfully call you
with their wings on the glass.

But those who have forsaken flight
to contemplate your beauty and my happiness,
those who learned our names…
they… will not return!


Today we dedicate the most beautiful verses about love to you. The verses are written by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, a staunch devotee of the human soul.

  1. “Tell me, is it the wind that whines or is it your whispers that tell me of love?” Today, this expression might sound trite to many. However, the truth is, we all get a little corny when we’re in the first stage of a crush. Do not you think so? Think about all the things you said during those early moments or how you told a friend that you had fallen in love.
  2. “I still love you so much! Your love has left such deep footprints on my chest.” Love can really hurt. If we read these words of loneliness when no one is looking, it will seem as if they express everything we feel. It doesn’t matter how many years have passed since they were put on paper.
  3. “You were the ocean and I the rock that firmly waited for your flood. You had to break me or tear me apart! It wasn’t supposed to be!” Some loves are simply impossible . Instead of complementing each other, our differences drive us further and further apart, until we end up facing each other like two strangers. All we can do is think back to the good times with a certain nostalgia and let a small tear roll down our cheeks shyly as we read an expression like this one on a gloomy day.
  4. “The sun could disappear behind the clouds forever. The ocean could dry up in the twinkling of an eye… but the fire of your love can never be extinguished in me.” Some loves are forever. Even though time passes, even though our lives change.
  5. “You say you have a heart, but only because you feel it beating. That’s not a heart. It is a machine that is kept running by a thud that makes a sound.” When we are deeply hurt by that particular person, this is exactly what we feel… as if he has no heart.
  6. “Through imagination, one can easily create a whole world from scratch.” Poets, writers, painters, artists… It’s unbelievable how they can create authentic works of art from scratch and excite the whole world. Do not you think?

We invite you to listen to this beautiful song by Sting as you read this article. Don’t forget to pay attention to the text.

7. “Today is like yesterday. Tomorrow will be like today. It is always the same!” When you feel sad and think that nothing has a solution and that your life is the same every day, these kinds of thoughts are inevitable. Let them come over you and try to change your life and be happy when you have some peace of mind again! This too will pass…

8. “Loneliness is a great thing when you have someone to talk to about it.” We all need solitude. Enjoying some time to yourself is great, away from all the noise and worries. But it is also true that loneliness is only pleasurable when we choose to experience it temporarily  and not when it is imposed on us.


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