Feeling Lonely In The Middle Of A Crowd

Feeling lonely in the middle of a crowd

It doesn’t matter how many people you know or how many friends you have on social media. What really matters is what the people around you mean to you. What are they worth? Numbers are not important because you can feel lonely while surrounded by people.

Have you ever felt like you couldn’t get warm no matter how many layers you put on? Have you ever felt like you didn’t have enough human contact,  even though there were people with you?

Do you ever feel so alone that you think no one can help you? That empty feeling doesn’t go away if you try to fill it with things from outside. This is an internal problem, and you need to solve it internally before seeking help from others.

Loneliness is an opportunity to spend time with yourself. Loneliness gives you permission to enter into an internal dialogue. In those moments you get to know yourself better, and you learn what you want and where you are going. When you are alone, you can enjoy yourself.

You will never feel lonely if you enjoy your own company. You don’t feel lonely when you’ve made peace with yourself. In fact, you only have to look outside. If you only feel noise and confusion inside, how can you hear the music outside?

The value of what is around you

It’s not good to put quantity over quality when looking for friendship. It doesn’t matter how many people there are, if they don’t mean anything to you. It also doesn’t matter how much time they spend with you if it’s not valuable time.

You will always feel lonely if it doesn’t make you happy to spend time with yourself or others. You will always think that no one understands you, no matter how many times you repeat the story.

And you will always think no one wants to spend time with you  if you don’t value yourself. In the end, time is only valuable if you share it with yourself first.

In the sea with friends

Work on being alone with yourself first. Not lonely, but with yourself. You are the only one who will always be there for you, so you have to love yourself. Enjoy the moments of solitude when you can connect with yourself. Talk to yourself and remember that being at peace with yourself will help you achieve your external goals.

Give meaning to feeling lonely

If you feel empty and dissatisfied with yourself, these emotions can become your worst enemy. It’s like a voice constantly screaming and demanding a solution while you try your best to drown it out with noise. However, the real solution is to disconnect from the outside world and connect with your inner self.

holding heart

Focus on a healthy relationship with yourself – one of high quality. Know how to listen and treat yourself. Take care of yourself and enjoy the time you spend alone, in the calm and quiet of your own company.

You will not feel lonely if you are good company to yourself, and you will not feel lost if you are whole. The outside world will add to your satisfaction,  instead of being a band-aid covering your unresolved internal problems.

Love yourself like you never have. Be at peace with yourself so that you want to be alone with yourself for at least one moment a day. Listen to yourself in a way that no one else can. Be the best friend you’ve always wanted. If you fill that void within yourself, you can enjoy what others have to offer you. 

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