When You Carry The Sun In You, The Storms Don’t Matter

When you carry the sun in you, the storms don't matter

When you carry the sun within you, life puts its most precious gears into action and nothing can stop you. These are times in life when we finally put adversity behind us and learn to walk on with more certainty, with more hope.

And right now the shadows don’t matter anymore, neither do the mistakes of yesterday or those people who almost extinguished your light,  your inner sun. You already know how to recognize these people, because you know how to prioritize and pay attention to what is really important in life: being happy.

Sometimes we look at the sky and suddenly we discover that immense and desolate sun again. His age does not matter, nor the days when darkness hides him; the sun will never stop shining.

The same goes for people. We are all born with our own light, we all have the ability to shine; however, this sun with which we enter the world sometimes becomes less bright because of clouds passing by or because of the influence of people who want to block the light of our sun.

Do not allow this. Don’t allow anyone or anything to rob you of your ability to be happy.

How can you learn to ‘bring back to life’ that sun that lurks within you?


Life is a journey that we have to take without too much weight on our shoulders and backs. The less weight you carry, the faster you will progress. Without resentment, without regrets, without fears or limiting attitudes. Only those who are able to fill their hearts with positive emotions will truly be able to fly high.

Sometimes we only realize that we have wings to fly, that we are stronger than we thought, when others push us to the abyss of despair.

Some people say that we learn in life by suffering, that we have to go through hard times to mature and learn true life lessons. However, we don’t have to take this so extreme. It’s actually a lot simpler.

It doesn’t matter what life throws our way. What is especially important is how we deal with the things that life throws our way, the attitude we take towards these things. Some people create a lot of confusion with simple actions, while others overcome tragedy with a lot of power. Whatever attitude you take, life can never cause your inner light to go out,  that sun that should shine light on your way.

The sun ahead of us and the shadows behind us

You are everything you have been through, you are your victories and your defeats, but at the same time you are also something much bigger than that. You are someone who is able to accept his past and create his future.

The past cannot be updated; no one can erase yesterday and what happened on that day. Therefore, it makes no sense to make our present a constant state of regret. We must allow ourselves new opportunities and give the opportunity to develop new hopes.

Focus on achieving simple goals that will motivate you to make small changes every day. Sometimes routine is our worst enemy, so it may be necessary for you to cross the line that is holding you back now.

Place the sun in front of you and leave the shadows of yesterday behind. You will see that the light can be a little dazzling at times. This is because the future is not yet determined and you are the sole creator of all that is to come.


Make sure no one extinguishes your inner sun

Sometimes it’s our upbringing or maybe a toxic bond with a family that wasn’t able to teach us about happiness. In other cases, it is our partner who limits our freedom, people who bring storms over us instead of happiness.

In our daily life there are a lot of people who can extinguish the sun that we carry within us. And sometimes we ourselves are our true enemy, that inner saboteur who limits us, who fills us with fear and insecurity.

Don’t allow anyone to bring storms over your head when you need calm, bright days. Remember that you are in charge of your life and your destiny, that you must maintain your inner garden of self-confidence, your personal growth.

Set boundaries, stop trying to strengthen bonds that only bring you pain, and look for new doors in your daily life, doors you can go through to discover people who are truly worth the effort.

No matter how long the storm lasts, the sun will always shine again

Nothing lasts forever, not even the pain that haunts you right now. Day after day, the pain will become less and less intense and you will be able to breathe normally again. All you have to do is learn to live with the memories.

We must learn to accept that adversity can come to visit us at any time. Instead of resisting it, becoming prisoners of the pain, we must learn to accept it, learn to understand it, and little by little learn to let go.

Resilience is an ability that we all have within us. We learn from adversity and come out stronger when we understand that we deserve to open ourselves up to the world again.

When all seems lost, a ray of sunshine always comes through. Look for it within yourself, look for it in the people you love, look for it on that horizon that always waits for you with fresh hope.

Woman on Water Lily

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