6 Things You Should Keep Secret According To Hinduism

6 things you should keep secret according to Hinduism

Hinduism offers us a way of life and a sense of responsibility where silence is sometimes our best companion. There are things that are better kept secret, such as aspects of our ambitions, our reality and achievements, which are part of our privacy. This is the space bounded by our wise and personal restraint.

Something that is often said about the philosophy of Hinduism is that it is a direct invitation to rethink our existence, to think about it through a different, much broader and at the same time more responsible prism. The ultimate aim of this belief, especially found in India and Nepal, is to lead man on the path of liberation.  Where our thoughts, emotions, actions and words lead us to serenity, to a state of consciousness where everything is in balance.

So, in all movements with a spiritual core, it is more than usual for us to find a set of recommendations to follow in order to achieve that inner balance of well-being and calmness. Hinduism represents the essence of several doctrines referring to what not to do and what to avoid or limit.

We must not forget that within this philosophical framework every action has its effect or consequence. The good Hindu, for instance, is the one who knows what his duty is, what his responsibility is. That ‘dharma’ where all material progress has its spiritual transcendence, and the bond that will form real happiness in this life and the reincarnation that follows. That is why it is interesting to know what is best kept secret, by favoring that sense of responsibility towards ourselves and towards others.

Religious statue

1. Do not sprinkle rumours, gossip or negative comments about others

If someone comes to us with a rumor, with a disparaging remark about someone else, or with hurtful criticism of the behavior of others, it is best to cover it up in silence. Let’s be a wall that takes in meaningless negativity and insult. It is always good to remember Socrates’ threefold filter, that is, if the information that reaches us is not good, nor useful or true, it is appropriate not to value it and keep it silent forever.

2. Things to Keep Secret According to Hinduism: Your Plans

If you have a dream, a lofty aspiration, or a personal plan, be careful. Don’t tell others until the time is right, proceed with caution, be cautious, better not rush. Let those plans mature until they are almost a reality.

Sometimes, when we talk about a wish or an intention, there are people who, far from sharing our illusion, are skeptical and worse, criticize us. Be careful and don’t hesitate to keep secret those personal goals you would like to achieve.

3. Your emotional achievements, the moments when you’ve been your own hero

Only you know the battles you’ve won and your personal boundaries you’ve pushed to prove to yourself that you could do it, that you deserved triumphs. Sometimes man is forced to pick out stones in his path that only he himself understands (a disappointment, a lie, a leaving something behind, a frustration). They are made of a delicate hardness that has shaped us, that has left its mark on us, but at the same time has brought out the best in us.

These victories, the most intimate, are often best kept private. Because if you say them out loud, they lose transcendence, are misunderstood or misinterpreted, as if our words had an arrogant tinge.

Woman in a whirlwind

4. Your family’s intimacies

If there are aspects that we must undoubtedly keep secret, it is the things that happen indoors, within the family, within a relationship. That special and intimate fabric belongs only to ourselves; it’s about a certain dynamic, legacies, situations and bonds that should not be scattered like the seeds of a dandelion in the wind.

Only if the situation requires it or if the ultimate goal is to get help to improve the quality of certain tires can we take the step to discuss certain things with others. However, we will have to be careful with this and we will have to choose carefully with whom we will share these intimacies.

5. Your good deeds

Another aspect of our life that is better to keep secret is our good deeds, our noble deeds. Good-naturedness needs no spectators, good deeds need no advertising. They are no less real when no one notices them.

True goodness is that which is not seen, it is an accumulation of good deeds performed daily in a discreet manner. The great exploits can be found in the most anonymous situations.

6. Your shortcomings

There are people who are fixated on what they’re missing, they’re obsessed with what we don’t have, and they don’t see how rich they really are with the things they have that are truly valuable.

Avoid this because something else that is best kept a secret is what you don’t have. If you don’t have a modern smartphone, keep this to yourself, as the one in front of you may not be able to afford to buy one. If you don’t have a partner, if you don’t have your dream home, if you don’t have the money to go on vacation this year, don’t regret it, don’t announce it as if those shortcomings equal absolute unhappiness.

Sometimes we regret that we do not have certain things that are not essential in life at all.

Leaves blowing from a tree

Finally, as we have seen, Hinduism gives us wisdom and advice about things that we have all thought about in some way or another. In reality, it is only about applying that enriching art that is becoming increasingly scarce: caution, restraint and respect for others.

So let’s not forget that, as this inspiring religious framework points out, every act has its consequences. So let’s think a little more and understand that silence is sometimes best, that certain words, dreams and thoughts are sometimes better left unspoken.  

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