The First Day At School: With Your Help Have A Nice Day For Your Child

The first day at school: with your help a beautiful day for your child

The first day of school is the beginning of a new chapter in your children’s lives. And it can be accompanied by intense emotions both for you and for your children. But contrary to what some people may think, this experience doesn’t have to be hard or unpleasant. Actually, there are tools and strategies that you can use that will help you avoid it happening that way.

In this article, we will give you some tools that can come in handy for exactly this purpose. One of the most important has to do with accepting that going to school means change. As adults, we may see it differently. But for your child, the doors to the world open. So you have to treat this moment with respect. Pay attention to their emotions and, of course, to your own feelings.

Talk to your child about what will happen the first day at school

The more details and information you give your child, the more confident and confident they will feel when they are in the midst of the changes. What are these details? This includes things like visiting the new school before the school year begins. You can introduce them to the teacher and buy their backpack and school materials with them.

Explain the routine to them step by step before the first day of school. Tell them what activities they will be doing and the situations that may arise. Tell them how many other kids there will be… Also tell them to follow the school rules, listen to other adults who are not their mom or dad, and share their stuff with other kids.

Have a nice first day at school

Also, be clear about what will happen after school.  For example, tell them, “Your grandma will pick you up,” or “I’ll try not to be late, but if I’m a little late, wait in the playground until I get there.” You can leave them something of yours, such as a bracelet or a cloth with your perfume. You can also give them a kiss on their small hand so that they feel like you are with them all day long.

Help them get used to some activities and behaviors before that first day of school

During the school year, there are a number of challenges for parents and children. They have to get up early. Now they may also have to eat the food from the school cafeteria. When it comes to sleep, you can establish a bedtime routine and gradually get to the 8 to 10 hours of sleep your child needs. If there’s no time for a nap at school, use your vacation time to break the habit of taking a nap at home.

In terms of diet, you can start with certain foods. Encourage your kids to try them at home so there won’t be any problems in the school cafeteria. You can also help them by gradually imposing a stricter mealtime schedule and routine. That way, your little one will be able to adapt better to the school environment.

Spending time with other children can also help prepare them for situations they will find themselves in at school. You can take them to mother groups, family yoga or music class. Of course, the park is also a great place to go. Because it’s a place where they get into situations similar to the ones they’ll see on the playground at school.

Not all children are equal

It is important to remember that how your child experiences their first day of school will depend on their unique personality, strengths and weaknesses. Comparing one child to another adds nothing to this experience.

So it is not a good idea to encourage your child by saying the following things. “You go to school just like your brother or sister.” It’s probably better to say, “You’re going to school and you’ll experience new things,” or something along those lines.

As parents, we also deal with each child in a different way. So that’s another reason why comparisons don’t help much. They may even end up counterproductive. It is also not the same for your first child to go to school as it is for your second child.

Respect the individuality and personality of each of your children. They will not all adapt in the same way. And they won’t experience it the same way either. Trust your children, even if they need a little more time. Don’t give up right away and they won’t either.

Help your child on the first day of school

Adaptation is important

There is a chance that on the first day of school or soon after, your child may start doing things that worry you. These can be tantrums that you put an end to a while ago. But usually these signs disappear after a few days. This happens once your child gets used to the routine. Behavior usually improves once the environment, classmates and teachers have become familiar.

You can also help and make these unwanted signals disappear faster. For example, as they get used to the routine, it’s a good idea to put them to bed a little earlier. Because they can have a hard time falling asleep. Also make sure that everything is ready the day before. But this is actually something that is good to stick with through all the years of their school days.

During the first few days it is best that you or your partner take them to school yourself, if possible. For this will stimulate their sense of security and soften their sense of abandonment. Try to get to school a little earlier so you can talk to their teacher, the other kids, and the other parents. When they see that you interact with others and get along well with them, it will help them do the same. They will feel more confident.

How do you say goodbye on the first day of school the right way?

Saying goodbye is a sensitive issue. So it’s best to keep it short. For example, give them a few hugs and kisses. Say some comforting words such as “you will do great”. Then leave with a smile on your face. That way they will see your smile when they feel sad and miss you.

They may cry for the first few days. That is normal. They will probably have a hard time being separated from you and adjusting to a new environment. Deal with this in a calm and patient manner. Trust the people who work at the school. Then the sobbing won’t last long.

Because what happens if you question everything when you see them pout, prolong the goodbye and stay to make sure they calm down? Then all you do is amplify their tantrums and howls. This is the best way to perpetuate a behavior that normally disappears on its own.

Pick them up from school

So they adapt during that period. It is therefore important that whoever picks up your child after school is on time. This way they see that being at school is necessary and that you don’t leave them there. But you shouldn’t exaggerate this reunion, like something out of a movie. Try to make it as normal as possible, as if they were just playing with their grandma for an afternoon.

The first day at school

Ask them how their day has been. Emphasize the positive things. And if you can, you should even encourage them to spend some time with a classmate after school. Do this if possible and if they like each other. Any bond they create will make the new situation feel more familiar. This will help them adapt more quickly.

As we said before, adjustment is normal and takes time. It is likely that some things will occur to your child after the first day of school. Perhaps they will eat less, or sleep more or less than usual. They may seem irritable or sensitive, and so on. But these things will disappear after a while. But if they persist and they still don’t adjust and cry (or other similar behaviors) every time you leave, it might be a good idea to see a professional.

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