Create Breathing Space, And Reflect On Life

Create breathing space, and reflect on life

As humans, we are not only interested in finding pleasure and avoiding pain; we deeply desire to discover the meaning of life, and above all to experience it (although often enough we allow ourselves to be distracted and tempted by all kinds of different motivations along the way). Even in times of adversity, such overarching and connecting meaning softens the raw impact of the existential blows we – inexorably – endure. Thanks to this broader view, we keep our heads above water.

Nobody can personally your place to take, or your grief about taking. How light or dark is the path that leads you out of the swamp of sorrow , or the desert of melancholy , depends entirely on your own attitude. Everyone has a reason to exist, but sometimes we don’t know it yet, and we have to bravely descend into our soul to see our so-called ”raison d’être” from within, and then dare to reveal it.

As neurologist and psychiatrist Viktor Frankl wrote in his world-famous book The Meaning of Existence shortly after World War II: “when a person is really aware that someone is waiting for him (or her) to be loved, and or in case of unfinished work (a job, a book, a project, a higher purpose), then he is sure to take responsibility, and understand the true meaning of life.”

Keep calm, keep breathing, and trust in the wisdom that never lets you down

Sometimes you are on the brink of collapse, and maybe that is the sign that you need to stop for a moment, to ask yourself if and why you want to continue in the same way, in view of everything that has happened. Without in-depth research into the caverns and potential of your own soul, you will never get to know yourself flawlessly. That is the greatest adventure and most exciting journey we can ever take ourselves on!

We all need a calling, or at least a motivation to face the future with hope, and even to enjoy the present freely. Whoever completely surrenders and immerses himself in his or her own life will sooner or later find such heartfelt motivations. Consider the following recommendations, and come to the surface.


Appreciate what you have

Without our wishes and our dreams, life would lose its momentum , and while some realism really can’t hurt, it’s just as important never to give up our hopes. Life teaches us that the wildest ambitions and fantasies sometimes come true, so that we never have to lose our courage.

By jealously, compulsively or possessively lusting after things – whatever that is – you enslave yourself to your own thoughts and impulses, and you constantly feel – incorrectly – that you are lacking something, or that you are missing something. is being deficient. If one or more of your desires are fulfilled, be selfless: enjoy it to the fullest, but let it flow, so that you continue to receive, and at the same time find satisfaction in the sharing and transmission itself.

Focus on quality, not quantity

In this modern society we always want more: money, friends, time… But more stuff and even more impressions (eg travel) do not necessarily lead to more happiness. After all, every experience is about quality, not quantity. It is better to have a few dear, faithful friends than a thousand superficial acquaintances.


So many strive to accumulate more and more, not realizing that the implicit promise of our materialistic ideology is an illusion: no amount of stuff will bring us true happiness. We forget that the original, simplest, most direct way is simply to feel happy, with what we have, with who we are – including all the little details, all the bits and pieces.

Focus on what you want to find

Life is an enriching quest without end, but it is still very useful to know roughly what you are looking forward to, and what you (preferably) have in mind. It’s not about what other people think about it, or what they suggest to you. No, it is only essential that you follow the higher intuition of your heart.


If you are eager for conflict, you will have conflict. If, on the other hand, you sincerely crave beauty, or love, then the same is true. Let yourself be surprised undiminished by the pure spontaneity of this uncontrollable moment, find wonder in everyday things. Look around you, with an open mind, and experience how fresh and unique everything is.

Indulge in Intelligent Optimism

To protect your inner peace and balance, it is important to act as often and as consistently as possible, in other words: to put your norms and values ​​into practice again and again. In addition, be acutely aware of all the positive and uplifting events that are occurring in your life – there are no doubt many.

Each of us has certainly experienced a lot of misery, and countless complicated, or even dangerous situations. But when you add up all the good things that have ever happened to you, a big grin is guaranteed to appear on your face too, as soon as you grasp, feel and remember how many reasons you actually have to breathe a sigh of relief, to be optimistic, and thankful for life.

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