7 Habits That Are Not Good For You

7 Habits That Are Not Good For You

We often unconsciously teach ourselves habits. You simply do things mechanically and you don’t remember why you think a certain way or why you always do things the same way. You eventually believe that this is the only way to think or live like this and everything is so obvious to you that you don’t even question it.

Unfortunately  , we often choose these habits based on negative people or experiences. We have become accustomed to the black cloud around us and of course reality ultimately proves us right, because the search increases the probability of finding.

“Remember that your character is the sum of all your habits; it’s the way you usually act.”
-Rick Warren-

In the same way that we acquire the habits of thoughts and behavior that do us no good, we can also become aware of ourselves and create new points of reference. It is not that easy and yet it can really improve your quality of life. Below you will find  seven such habits that you should get rid of in order to really enjoy your existence.

1. Criticizing: One of the Most Harmful Habits

Many people show a tendency to comment negatively about anyone, any situation, or any reality they encounter. It’s like a chip that activates automatically and leads us to look down on something for no apparent reason.


Criticism is valid when it is intended to improve something. But if the sole intention is to find the bad in everything, without any greater purpose than making a comment about the negative, then you will end up creating an uncomfortable atmosphere and of course in such a way that others also see the negative in you. go see.

2. Passively wait for something to happen

This happens when your response to discomfort is not to see what you can do, but instead to wait for something outside of you to happen  that will resolve the situation. You’re waiting for love, for someone to offer you a better job, or for a doctor to give you a prescription to get rid of your migraine, or whatever it may be.

Deep down you have a fantasy of being saved. You see yourself as someone who has no place to go to solve your problems or explore new paths. With the habit of simply waiting, you let days and days pass you by and you lose precious time that you will never get back.

3. Complaining as a way of life

Perhaps without even realizing it, you’ve created the idea that complaining is a positive thing. You mistakenly believe that complaining is a way to prove the value of your effort,  or to show that you’ve been through so many problems and hard times.

You may be seeking a response from others and developing  the habit of complaining to gain admiration, approval, or solidarity. But the bottom line is that you will receive the exact opposite. This is a harmful communication pattern that quickly bores the people around you.

4. Pretend it’s none of your business

Avoidance is a common habit, especially among men, but you can also see this phenomenon in many women. Apparently you want to avoid dramatizing the situation and you don’t intend to focus on problems, no matter how serious they may be. You might call it “don’t panic” and even be proud of it.

To hide

But the fact is that real problems in life cannot be avoided. No matter how fast you run away from them, they will always catch up with you. By trying to ignore them, you feed them and grow them. No serious problem will solve itself and burying your head in the sand will do nothing but complicate the situation even further.

5. Consume, Consume and Consume Again

Becoming a slave to consumption is a habit that will absolutely lead to unhappiness. You will probably believe that having a great cell phone will make you feel blessed. And maybe that’s true… for a few hours. Then you come back to the real world and have your sights set on a new whim.

Making your well-being dependent on objects is just a way of projecting your inner emptiness onto others. We all love to shop and treat ourselves to a few new purchases, but when it takes such a form that your happiness depends on it and turns it into a habit, we’re on the wrong track. All we are doing then is increasing the emptiness we feel inside.

6. Make a habit of staying at home

When we don’t feel great we tend to become passive and we don’t really want to go anywhere. It is normal for us to need an evening or, at most, a few days to get out of this state. However, if you keep doing the same thing and make it a habit, it’s time to think about what’s happening to you.

Ballerina with thorn branches

The problem isn’t necessarily that you stay indoors. The problem is that  with this kind of behavior you start to create a lifestyle that revolves around isolation. Isolation, in turn, feeds a depressive state and the feeling of being even more fragile and vulnerable.

7. Rejecting Novelty and Change

By having overly rigid routines you lock yourself in. If you always do the same, it is also certain that at some point your thoughts, feelings and perceptions will start to become invariable. It’s like throwing away everything you carry inside yourself.

Changes are always positive, as long as they somehow take you out of your comfort zone. This forces you to activate your inner world to effect a new adaptation. And under those conditions, it is likely that you will see or experience something that makes you feel alive, that shows you that there are so many interesting activities outside those four walls that you have become so accustomed to.

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