5 Risks Of Emotionally Dependent On Your Partner

5 risks of emotionally dependent on your partner

One of the most self-destructive emotional traits is emotional dependence, where a person develops an addiction to his or her partner, friend, or family member.

When we become emotionally dependent, we lose our confidence—the treasure that makes each of us unique and special. So today I’m going to show you  five risks that come from emotional dependence on one of the most important aspects of our lives: our partner.

Identifying and understanding each of these risks will help you maintain your confidence so that you can take control of your own life without leaving it to others. This makes you feel stronger and better and you get what you deserve: your freedom.

Loss of self confidence

Emotional dependence creates the loss of our personal appreciation, which is the same as self-destruction. People who suffer from emotional dependence generally have serious problems with their self-confidence.

If this happens in a relationship, we run the risk of slowly losing the person we love because we are not aware of the situation or because we are not doing anything to make it better.

It creates loss of identity

An emotionally dependent person is likely to live a life centered on his or her partner.  All their actions, wishes and behavior are in accordance with what he or she wants. This situation causes us to become an extension of our partner, losing our own identity, the personality that characterizes us, and thus total dependence arises.

In this way we run the risk of being physically and mentally abused. In this case, it is a good idea to seek professional help through therapy, which will help us manage the situation and prevent the situation from happening in the future.


Physical and mental abuse by an intimate partner

At some point, the partner may discover the emotional dependence. This situation can lead him or her to assume a dominant role and easily take advantage of the situation.

This is an archetype of couples where emotional dependence occurs. The person who does not suffer from emotional dependence feels free, which allows him or her to feel that he or she is entitled to the application of pressure, lies, hostility, contempt. It can even lead to physical, materialistic or psychological abuse of the dependent.

What makes this situation worse? The safety of the abuser in which the dependent is unlikely to complain and will support everything without a doubt.

Isolation and loss of social skills

When we find ourselves in such an unpleasant, energy-wasting situation, such as emotional dependence on a partner, it consumes us inside. Not feeling free and powerless will little by little lead us to isolate ourselves from our social environment and our friends and family.

This isolation also gradually causes the loss and non-development of personal social skills. Removing ourselves from our environment and reality makes us blind to our own lives and unconsciously increases emotional dependence.

Sudden mood changes

Emotional dependence is a psychological disorder that can manifest itself in a variety of ways. The dependent suffers from “dysphoric mood”, which means that there are many sudden changes in mood during the day.

Suffering from this emotional state of mind will cause a person to experience depression, stress and anxiety. All these things promote a certain sense of guilt, inner emptiness, a lot of jealousy and above all fear. These symptoms are only soothed when their partner is around and it is caused by their absence.

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