10 Things Mentally Strong People Do Every Day

10 things mentally strong people do every day

You must have identified some mentally strong people at some point, and others who are mentally weak, right? But… have you ever wondered what this actually means? Mentally strong people are those who are not influenced by others, who know who they are and who are proud of their personality. Mentally strong people know themselves and do not allow themselves to be changed by others.

Maybe you don’t know if you’re strong or not, or maybe you’re looking for a way to become one. Today you will learn ten things mentally strong people do. We hope it will help you become very strong!

1. They know when to say ‘no’

Something that is very difficult for many people, because we have learned to always say ‘yes’. If we don’t do this, we think people will find us rude, or maybe even unfriendly. Our desire to be accepted makes us yes marbles. 

You have to learn that saying ‘no’ is not a negative thing. You have every right in the world to refuse to do something or to admit that you don’t feel like doing something. It’s hard to say ‘no’. What if you start today by refusing to do something you don’t want to do?

2. They embrace the future


Mentally strong people know that failure is experience,  and every experience is a new way of knowing what we did well, what we did less well, and what we need to do to move on.

Without failures there is no success. Without failure we stand still. Without failure we are overconfident.

3. Their happiness does not depend on others

We believe that to be happy, others must be happy too. In short, our happiness is always dependent on others. This is a big mistake. Your happiness is yours, and yours alone. If you leave it to others, you will find yourself drowning in the emotional ups and downs. This will make you feel unhappy and frustrated. Happiness is in you. Still don’t see it? Then do a good search…

4. They take the positive out of negative things


There’s no point in being a drama queen. We always give more importance to the negative things that happen to us, but are they really negative? Mentally strong people know that they can get something positive out of every negative event. That something is always there, but you can’t see it. Open your eyes. We learn from the negative, we learn from it…

5. They Resist Fear

Mentally strong people recognize fear as an emotion, but they know it can be paralyzing. This is why  mentally strong people resist fear and use it to their advantage. They use fear to resist and overcome themselves in all aspects they fear. They test themselves! That’s the way they get strong, that’s how they get mental strength.

6. They are emotionally intelligent

Couple Eat Ice Cream

They can understand and identify emotions, which is extremely difficult. They are people who have a lot of empathy. Do you know how to control your emotions? Do you know how to recognize them and use them to your advantage? If so, you may also be emotionally intelligent.

7. They are confident in their abilities

We are human and at any moment our self-confidence can be dented. Are we sure we can do what we want? Can we make it happen? Emotionally intelligent people have confidence in themselves at all times  and do not allow their self-confidence to be destroyed. Self-confidence is important if we want to be strong.

8. They neutralize toxic people


Toxic people are all around us and sometimes they cause a transformation within us, turning us into something we don’t want to be. If you are emotionally strong, you will know how to neutralize toxic people.

All you need is confidence in yourself and the strength and pride necessary to distance yourself from them and resist them if necessary. Don’t let yourself be caught off guard by them, by toxic people.

9. They accept changes

Because sometimes we are afraid of changes, of leaving our comfort zone, because that is scary. But  emotionally strong people know that all changes are positive. Do not be afraid of the unknown, because every change means something good. You just have to see it. Open your eyes, accept changes… Accept to be a mentally strong person.

10. They know the world doesn’t owe them anything

Sometimes we believe that the world owes us something, that when we do good things, good things come to us. Don’t take anything for granted and don’t want too much. Look around you: what have you got? Be happy with what you have now, appreciate it, value it. Here you will find the true happiness and necessary strength you have been looking for.

After reading these ten things mentally strong people do, do you think you are one of them? If so, that’s great. And if not… Now you know what to do! Start changing your perspective on things, on the world, on reality…  Life is full of great things and you are emotionally strong. You just haven’t found your true power yet.

Girl with Paper Boat

–Images courtesy of M. Carretero, Anna Dittmann, Art Symbolic–

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